San Juan County residents in Washington State passed Initiative Measure No. 2012-4 to ban the growth of genetically modified organisms. The initiative makes it illegal to "propagate, cultivate, raise or grow plants, animals and other organisms which have been genetically modified" in San Juan County.
The Initiative does still allow for the growth of hybrid organisms and GMOs to be grown by health care providers and researchers only, in secure and controlled environments. The Initiative effects local farmers, who were largely behind it's passing. The Initiative will not effect GMO products sold in local food stores.
Violators of the new law will be charged with a public nuisance and a fine for the first offense. A second violation will be considered a misdemeanor, and the third and subsequent violations will be a gross misdemeanor.
What Are Parabens And Why Should You Avoid Them.
What Are Parabens?
Parabens are chemicals used as preservatives, and that’s why they are found in so many products. They are used to fight bacteria and fungus, are widely available, and cost very little to manufacture and use. Nearly all of the parabens used as preservatives are man-made and not naturally occurring.Why Are Parabens Bad?
Now, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I know that there have been studies on both sides of the argument about what parabens are and whether parabens are bad or parabens are safe. But because there have been studies that say that it is potentially dangerous and that have linked parabens to cancer, I have chosen to take the precautionary route and not use products containing them when I can help it. Whether or not they are as bad as some say they are, I would always rather err on the side of safety when it comes to my body and health.Parabens can mimic the hormone estrogen, which is known to play a role in the development of breast cancers. Researchers have found parabens in breast tumors and believe there is a relationship between parabens and tumors. And in the July 2002 issue of the Archives of Toxicology, Dr. S. Oishi of the Department of Toxicology, Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health reported that exposure of newborn male mammals to butylparaben “adversely affects the secretion of testosterone and the function of the male reproductive system.” If a causal link between a chemical and cancer is not enough to avoid a product that can easily be avoided, I don’t know what is. There are a lot of other reports available all over the internet, but most of them are all related to reproductive health in some way or another.
The jury is still out on how and why parabens might affect development and growth of both babies and adults. But I decided a while ago to get rid of any products that have it and replace them with products that don’t. There is no harm being more careful with this kind of stuff – remember, things that were deemed safe in the past then came back to haunt us all when we were told that they actually caused all sorts of diseases. And when there are safe alternatives available, I would rather not take the chance that I or future generations develop strange reproductive problems from using a product that was avoidable in the first place.
So back to the initial question – what are parabens? They are chemicals we need to work hard to avoid, period. Be sure to shop for paraben-free products and foods whenever possible, and always read the labels on the things you buy.
Basic course : Detox + Fat Emulsifier + Protein
Detox Product : Herb-lax / Fiber / Alfalfa
Fat Emulsifier : Lecithin
Protein : Cinch Shake / ESP
Kenapa perlu detox?
Detox penting untuk mengeluarkan toksin berlebihan dalam badan.Mungkin ada yang pernah berdiet tapi tak nampak kesannya. Puncanya mungkin masalah detox. Bila toksin terlampau banyak, badan akan sukar untuk serap nutrient yang diambil samada daripada supplement atau diet harian.
Susunan terbaik Fiber > Herblax > Alfalfa ..Fiber dan herblax TIDAK DIGALAKKAN untuk IBU MENYUSU jika diambil harian. So, cara pemakanan perlu diubahsuai untuk bf mommy. 2-3 kali seminggu ke..Antara ketiga-tiga product tu, Fiber paling powerful setanding dengan harganya la kan. Alfalfa paling slow sekali.
Diet yang berjaya bukan bermakna “SAYA TURUN BERAT 10KG DALAM SEBULAN”..Itu sebenarnya diet paling tak berjaya..Saya boleh jamin yang orang tu akan rebound balik.
Kenapa Lecithin perlukan Detox Product?
Lecithin fungsinya semata-mata untuk memecahkan lemak berlebihan dalam badan dan perlukan medium pengangkutan untuk bawa keluar daripada badan. Oleh itu, perlu suggest ambil lecithin dengan combination produk di atas.
Kepentingan Protein?
Protein penting untuk pelihara OTOT dalam badan. Perasan tak ada orang yang berat badan turun tapi badan flabby ( menggeleber). Orang yang macam ni, yang turun tu bukan berat tapi die kehilangan otot. Otot penting untuk tingkatkan metabolisme badan bagi pembakaran lemak. Sebab tu kalau tengok penerangan tentang Cinch Shake, antara point yang ditekankan adalah pemeliharaan otot semasa diet.
Untuk Ibu menyusu, sarankan pengambilan ESP ( Energizing Soy Protein) daripada Cinch Shake sebab kalori cinch sangat rendah dan dikhuatiri membantutkan pertumbuhan anak-anak.
Jadi, perlukah saya ambil kesemua product?
TERBAIK adalah ambil semua tapi kita faham yang ada alami masalah bajet. Untuk mereka ini, boleh mulakan samada dengan herb-lax+lecithin atau fiber+lecithin dulu. Selepas berat badan mula turun, boleh tambah protein. Saya selalu suggest ikut bajet customer sebab tidak mahu membebankan.
Tips diet
(1) Sila minta customer anda untuk mengambil ukuran badan seiring dengan timbang berat badan. Diet ni tak semestinya akan turun berat badan dulu sebab ada individu yang badan shape on dulu baru die turun berat badan.
(2) Kena konsisten dan jangan ingat boleh turun berat badan dalam sehari..Letak target jangka pendek 3 BULAN.
(3) Stagnant period = normal untuk long term diet. Cuma continue diet seperti biasa sebab badan sedang shape on semasa stagnant period.
(4) WAJIB ambil SARAPAN. Kita tidur lebih kurang dalam 6-8 jam dan sepanjang tempoh tu perut jadi berasid. Paling kurang bangun pagi tu, alas dengan segelas air untuk neutralkan asid tu. SARAPAN ni jadi penanda aras untuk tenaga sepanjang hari yea.
(5) JANGAN SKIP MEAL..Kalau jenis nak mengunyah je, makan banyak kali tapi kuantiti sedikit. Dinner kalau tak mahu makan berat, ambil light meal walaupun sekadar biskut atau buah-buahan. Ini untuk elakkan badan bertukar kepada “starving mood”
(6) Ambil NASI sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari. Saya tak setuju dengan diet tanpa nasi sebab badan kita perlukan karbohidrat. Nasi adalah lebih baik daripada roti, mee dan pasta.
(7) AIR KOSONG..25kg bersamaan 1LITER.
**Sedikit sebanyak perkongsian saya yang telah menggunakan Jusmate5, Herbalife n Shaklee..
Cara pengambilan Shaklee product
Selalunya saya suggest customer untuk detox dulu.
(1) Jika guna herblax, day 1 hinggan day 3 tu ambil herblax SAHAJA. Lecithin mulakan pada hari ke 4 onward. Weekend ( Jumaat, Sabtu, Ahad) ambil herblax bersama-sama lecithin.
(2) Jika guna fiber, 1st week dengan fiber SAHAJA. 1 sudu teh sebelum tidur dibancuh dengan sebarang liquid kecuali kopi n teh. 2nd week baru mula combine dengan lecithin.
(3) Lecithin : 6 caps sehari seperti tertulis di botol. Paling elok 2 caps after breakfast, lunch n dinner..Atau boleh pecahkan 3caps after breakfast / lunch atau mana yang sesuai la.
(4) Protein : boleh buat fruit shake untuk menyedapkan rasa.
Ini dari I-SIHAT, nak share.....pasal exercise ......
CRUNCHES vs PLANK Position...
Planks menyasarkan seluruh tubuh tapi crunches hanya melatih permukaan perut.
Bagi senaman planks yang sempurna, fokuskan dengan; jangan jatuhkan pinggul, angkat punggung, tegapkan bahu dan kemaskan perut. buat le 5 atau 6 kali. Hold the Plank position about 10 second at first kalau you all boleh hold 1 minit lagi bagus. lepas tu kita ambil ESP. Saya memang suka bersenam.
Research about Selenium - Natural Vitamin E complex & Selenium with grape seed extract, product of shaklee
is an essential mineral found in small amounts in the body. It works as
an antioxidant, especially when combined with vitamin E. Antioxidants
like selenium help fight damaging particles in the body known as free
radicals. Free radicals can damage cell membranes and DNA, and may
contribute to aging and a number of conditions, including heart disease
and cancer. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or
even help prevent some of the damage they cause.
plays a role in thyroid function and your immune system needs selenium
to work properly. People with a number of conditions, ranging from
rheumatoid arthritis to some types of cancer, often have low levels of
selenium. However, in most cases scientists aren't sure whether low
selenium levels are a cause or an effect of the disease.
researchers examined whether selenium had any effect on skin cancer,
they found something unexpected: People who took as little as 200 mcg of
selenium per day for more than 7 years had a significantly higher risk
of developing type 2 diabetes. More studies are needed to understand
exactly what might be happening. In the meantime, you should not take
more than the daily recommended allowance of selenium without your
doctor's supervision.
If you are healthy and eat a well-balanced diet, you should get enough selenium. You may have low levels of selenium if you:
- Smoke cigarettes
- Drink alcohol
- Take birth control pills
- Have a condition that prevents your body from absorbing enough selenium such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
Heart Disease
evidence on taking selenium to treat heart disease is mixed. Scientists
know that low levels of selenium can contribute to heart failure, and
being deficient in selenium seems to make atherosclerosis worse.
Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, happens when plaque
builds up in arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. But
studies show that taking selenium supplements doesn't seem to have any
effect on the progression of heart disease, nor does it protect against
heart attack.
combined with other antioxidants, including vitamin E and beta-carotene,
may help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels. But selenium can also
interact with cholesterol-lowering drugs (See "Possible Interactions")
and make them less effective. If you have or are at risk for heart
disease, talk to your doctor before taking selenium.
Immune Function
studies suggest that the body needs selenium in order for the immune
system to work properly. Selenium, along with other minerals, can help
build up white blood cells, which boosts the body's ability to fight
illness and infection. A few studies suggest that selenium might help
prevent some infections, such as a bacterial skin infection that often
occurs with lymphedema, and mycoplasma pneumonia. In addition, one study
suggested that when elderly people took zinc and selenium supplements,
their immune systems responded better to the flu vaccine than those who
took placebo.
suggests that people with asthma tend to have low blood levels of
selenium. In a study of 24 people with asthma, those who took selenium
supplements for 14 weeks had fewer symptoms compared to those who took
placebo. But in a larger randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
study, people who took a yeast supplement that contained selenium didn' t
have any fewer symptoms than those who took placebo. More studies are
Male Infertility
and other antioxidants play an essential role in how your body makes
certain proteins found in sperm. One study suggested that selenium
supplements might improve male fertility in men who had low levels of
selenium. However, high levels of selenium are associated with decreased
sperm motility.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
levels of selenium in the blood may be associated with increased risk
of RA. But it doesn't seem that selenium supplements help once you have
Dietary Sources:
yeast and wheat germ, liver, butter, fish (mackerel, tuna, halibut,
flounder, herring, smelts) and shellfish (oysters, scallops, and
lobster), garlic, whole grains, sunflower seeds, and Brazil nuts are all
good sources of selenium.
Selenium levels in food depend on how much selenium was in the soil where the food was grown.
is destroyed when foods are refined or processed. Eating a variety of
whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to get selenium in your diet.
Available Forms:
Selenium may be taken as part of a vitamin-mineral supplement, a nutritional antioxidant formula, or as a separate supplement. Most supplements contain a form of selenium called selenomethionine.Vita-E Complex® | |
Vita-E complex mengandungi vitamin E (d-alfa tokoferol) asli dari minyak sayuran. Ia juga mengandungi selenium yang melengkapi fungsi vitamin E. Setiap kapsul gel lembut memberikan: • 400IU vitamin E semulajadi dan 10mcg selenium. • Membantu dalam memelihara kesihatan baik. Tanpa perasa, pewarna dan pemanis tiruan. * Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuhkan atau |
from our backyard
ReplyDeleteThe Amazing Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil has been used for centuries as a vital source of food for health and general well being in traditional communities of tropical regions. Recent research verifies traditional beliefs that the coconut palm is “The Tree of Life” and that, just like any other pure, whole food, coconuts and virgin coconut oil have a significant role to play in a well balanced, nutritious diet. It's very versatile and one of the healthiest oils in the world and can be used in cooking and topically for your face, body and hair. These benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, and its properties which are antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, and soothing.
We have been using coconut oil for several years now. My husband uses it most everyday.